Mystery Poet

Review, conclude and give a smile

Sigri, you’re a hoot
no one will ever give you the boot
if everything goes wrong,
you just put on a thong 

no, seriously my dear
just start reviewing here
you know the curriculum from bits to pieces
you’ve been reading it for a long time, jeeesus!

you’re a strong, confident girl
say this to yourself, or else I’ll hurl!
believe in yourself and what you are
and mommys gonna by you a big, fat car

Review, conclude and give a smile
And all your knowledge stocks up in a pile
This pile is to be written down
Write, girl! Like a hound

This might seem like a joke to you
But it’s serious, boo
Review, conclude and give a smile,
and you’ll be walking with an A down the aisle!

Thank you, and goodnight.

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